Dollop is all about food.
The main reason Dollop exists is to save you time!
I've had so many conversations around those 3 little words - what's for dinner? A fridge full of food and nothing to eat. No time to prep anything take away it is. You finally produce a meal to hear those other 3 little words that make chills run down your spine - “Don’t like it!”
Then there’s the mental fatigue of dealing with that question every single day. Not to mention decision overwhelm because there’s so many choices out there!
It's not about producing 3 course macro balanced better-for-you food 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.
Sometimes - dinner will be baked beans and scrambled eggs. Sometimes, dinner might even come from the Golden Arches.
One of my closest friends said dinner wasn't so much cooked, as assembled - and that's fine too!
It’s about working out what works for you and your family, so that everyone gets fed to a standard that makes you happy (let’s take away some guilt here too please).
There are those days when the fact that everyone ate is a win!
The Dollop Planner
So through a lot of trial (and a lot more error)I designed a planner to help!
To help make the decision easier, to save time, to reduce the decision overwhelm. And to inspire you!!! For every week of the year you will find something new – a suggested meal plan (that you can adapt to suit but heck the decision is made); a recipe; a kitchen tip….
The planner was also designed to create a space where you can sit for 20 minutes each week with your planner (and your G&T / or just tea!), write out your week and match your meal plan to it. Late meeting Thursday? Take away it is! Lazy Sunday? Let’s put a slow roast on (and let’s make extra so we have something to freeze for after the next late meeting).
There’s something for everyone here and I can’t wait to hear how it helped!
My Philosophy on Food
Food is good. Food is necessary.
Some people eat to live, others live to eat. I definitely fall into the latter category. I enjoy carbs, full fat butter - and yes even sugar!
For my family -it's about balance, and portion control.
You'll find my recipes are based on rather traditional home cooking. There are so many alternatives out there now for ingredients that I hope you can find a way to adapt to how your family eats.
Thankyou for listening, for getting to know both myself and Dollop a little bit more. I truly hope you enjoy!
Happy Dolloping!